Reuirements Management - Management of Requirements Changes - The Change Request

4 important questions on Reuirements Management - Management of Requirements Changes - The Change Request

There are three types of change requests:

  1. Corrective requirement change.
  2. Adaptive requirement change.
  3. Exceptional change (hotfix): change must absolutely immediately be done at all costs. can be either corrective or adaptive.

What is a corrective requirement change?

With this type of change, the change is typically required to fix a problem or error with the current system or requirement.

What is a adaptive requirement change

With this type of change, the change is typically required because a change is required to the current system because the system context and hence the business needs have changed.
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What is a Exceptional requirement change?

With this type of change the change request is urgent and has to be implemented immediately. These types of changes can be a corrective or adaptive change request by nature

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