Reuirements Management - Management of Requirements Changes

3 important questions on Reuirements Management - Management of Requirements Changes

The tasks of the Change Control Board are?

  1. Classification of incoming change requests.
  2. Determination of the effort for performing the change.
  3. Assessment of the change requests in respect to effort-benefit.
  4. Definition of new requirements based on incoming change requests.
  5. Deciding whether to accept or reject a change request.
  6. Prioritization of the accepted change requests.
  7. Assign accepted change requests to change projects.

A change request containsat leastthe followinginformation:

  1. Identifier ofthe change request
  2. Title of the change request
  3. Description of the necessary change
  4. Justification of the need for the change
  5. Date filed
  6. Applicant
  7. Priority of the change as seen by the applicant.

The process of change management provides the following steps:

  1. Impact analysis and assessment of the change (For each affected artifact, the effort for implementing the change is determined and the total effort is summed up, supported by tracebility information and experts).
  2. Prioritization of approved change request.
  3. Assignment of approved change to a change project.
  4. Communication of the acceptance/rejection of the change request.

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