Requirements Validation and Negotiation

6 important questions on Requirements Validation and Negotiation

Why requirements validation

The goals is to identify deviations between the requirements defined and the stakeholders actual wishes and needs.

What are typical examples of errors in requirements?

  1. Ambiguity
  2. Incompleteness
  3. Contradictions

What is the goal of requirements negotiation?

The goal of negotiation is to gain a common and agreed-upon understanding of the requirements of the system to be developed among all relevant stakeholders.
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What is the advantage of conflict during requirements engineering?

Conflicts can also be an opportunity for requirements engineering because conflicts between stakeholders require a solution that can potentially help discover new ideas for development and can illustrate different options.

Conflict management comprises the following tasks?

  1. Conflict identification.
  2. Conflict analysis.
  3. Conflict resolution.
  4. Documentation of the conflict resolution.

What is the risks of missing conflict documentation?

  1. Handling conflicts repeatedly: conflict can arise a second time - additional effort .
  2. Inappropriate conflict resolution: resolution can turn out to be wrong or unsuitable - re-visit initial analysis and resolution.

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