Requirements Validation and Negotiation - Requirements Negotiation - Conflict Analysis

3 important questions on Requirements Validation and Negotiation - Requirements Negotiation - Conflict Analysis

What is a data conflict?

This is typically where all stakeholders are not agreeing to a requirement that is specified in a certain way. For example, the business stakeholder might want to retrieve a 1000 records at a time in real-­‐time whereas the technology stakeholder knows this is practically impossible and not feasible.

What is a conflict of value?

This type of conflict arises when the stakeholders have different values or beliefs about what is acceptable or not acceptable. For example, one stakeholder might believe it is acceptable to ask a customer to enter their culture heritage, as a mandatory field on the screen during an online application for a welfare payout whereas the other stakeholder might believe this is an unacceptable request and should only be an optional field for the customer to provide if they choose to.

What is a Structural conflict?

Conflict roots in stakeholders being on different hierarchy and decision power levels in an organization

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