Model-Based Requirements Documentation - Requirements Modeling in the Data Perspective

3 important questions on Model-Based Requirements Documentation - Requirements Modeling in the Data Perspective

What are the entity relationship diagram elements?

  1. Entity types: abstracts from the concrete characteristics of these entities and therefore classifies a set in the sense of the classification of uniform entities.
  2. Relationship types: classifies the set of uniform relations between entity types.
  3. Attributes: defines the properties of an entity type or a relation type.
  4. Cardinality: defines the number of relation instances that an entity may participate in.

Frequently used modeling elements of UML class diagrams are:

  1. Classes (with attributes and methods/operations).
  2. Associations (with multiplicities and roles).
  3. Aggregation and composition: describe a relationship between a whole and its constituents (a constituent in a composition cannot exist without its whole).
  4. Generalization relationships: a relationship between a more specific class (the sub-type) and a more general class (the super-type).

What are the characteristics of a use case Diagram?

  • Simple model to schematically document the functions of a system from a user's perspective
  • It documents the interralations of the functions of a system and the relations between these functions and their environment.
  • It comprises of:
    • Use cases
    • Actors
    • System boundaries
    • include relation
    • extend relation

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