Documenting Requirements - Glossary

4 important questions on Documenting Requirements - Glossary

Why using a glossary?

  • Conflicts in requirements engineering often caused by participants having different interpretations of terms;
  • Avoid conflicts and increase understandability;
  • Glossaries can be reused within the same domain.

Rules for using a glossary

  • Creating a glossary is mandatory;
  • Start development of the glossary as early as possible;
  • Using the glossary must be obligatory.

A glossary is a collection of term definitions for?

  • context-specific technical terms
  • abbreviations and acronyms
  • everyday concepts that have a special meaning in the given context
  • synonyms, i.e., different terms with the same meaning
  • homonyms, i.e., identical terms with different meanings
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The following rules should be observed when working with a glossary?

  1. The glossary must be managed centrally
  2. The responsibilities for maintaining the glossary must be defined
  3. The glossary must be maintained over the course of the project
  4. The glossary must be commonly accessible
  5. Use of the glossary must be obligatory
  6. The glossary should contain the sources of the terms
  7. The stakeholders should agree upon the glossary
  8. The entries in the glossary should have a consistent structure

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