Documenting Requirements - Types of Documentation

3 important questions on Documenting Requirements - Types of Documentation

What are the advantages and disadvantages of natural language documentation?

  • Advantages: No stakeholder has to learn a new notation; language can be used for miscellaneous purposes; language can be used for all 3 requirements perspectives.
  • Disadvantages: can allow requirements to be ambiguous, and requirements of different types and perspectives are in danger of being mixed up

What are the advantages of the model-based requirements documentation forms ?

  1. Use case diagram: allows you to gain a quick overview of the functionalities of the specified system.
  2. Class diagram: used to document the static structure of data, and static-structural dependencies.
  3. Activity diagram: sequence modelling, e.g. business processes, or sequence-oriented dependencies, or model the sequential character of use cases.
  4. State diagram: documents event-driven behavior of a system. documents states a system can be in and events which trigger state transitions.

What are the advantages of mixed form of requirements documentation?

  1. Lowers disadvantages of individual forms.
  2. Combines advantages of individual forms.
  3. Models can be amended or complemented by natural language comments.
  4. Natural language forms can be summarized and their dependencies can be depicted clearly by making use of models.

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