Documenting Requirements - Document Design

3 important questions on Documenting Requirements - Document Design

What is the definition of: Requirements document/ Specification?

A requirements specification is a systematically represented collection of requirements, typically for a system or component that satisfies given criteria.

What are the main reasons for documenting requirements?

Documentation has a goal-oriented and supporting role in communication

Main reasons for documenting requirements are:
  • Basis for system development;
  • Legal relevance
  • Mastering complexity;
  • Accessibility;
  • Sharing a common understanding.

What are the advantages of standardized document structures?

  1. Standard outlines simplify the usage of the documents in subsequent development activities.
  2. Standard outlines simplify incorporating new staff members.
  3. Standard outlines allow for quickly finding desired contents.
  4. Standard outlines allow for selective reading and validation of documents.
  5. Standard outlines allow for automatic verification of documents (e.g., with regard to completeness).
  6. Standard outlines allow for simplified reuse of the contents of documents.

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