Documenting Requirements in Natural Language - Requirement Construction using Templates

4 important questions on Documenting Requirements in Natural Language - Requirement Construction using Templates

What are the five steps to formulating requirements through a requirements template?

  1. Determine legal obligation
  2. Determine the core of the requirement
  3. Characterizesthe activity of the system
  4. Insert objects
  5. Determine logical and temporal conditions

What is a requirements Template?

A blueprint for the syntactic strucre of individual requirements.

Reasons for using requirements templates?

  • Easily learnable and applicable approach to reducing language effects in the formulation of requirements.
  • Effectively support the author in achieving requirements of high quality and syntactic unambiguousness in optimal time and at low costs.
  • Higher grades + faster learning
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  • 100% sure, 100% understanding
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Explane step 3: Characterizesthe activity of the system

Characterize the activity of a system. Er zijn drie classificaties:
  1. Autonomous system activity - het systeem voert processen autonoom uit.
  2. User interaction - het systeem provide the process as a service for users.
  3. Interface requirements - het systeem voert een process uit dat afhankelijk is van een derde partij

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