Requirements Validation and Negotiation - Quality Aspects of Requirements - Quality Aspect Content

5 important questions on Requirements Validation and Negotiation - Quality Aspects of Requirements - Quality Aspect Content

The quality aspect, Content validation has been applied successful if there are no significant shortcomings detected of the following type?

  1. Completeness of the requirements document
  2. Completeness of the individual requirements
  3. Traceability (have the relevant relations been defined)
  4. Correctness and adequacy (do the requirements accurately reflect the wishes and needs of the stakeholders?)
  5. Consistency
  6. No premature design decisions (decisions present in the requirements not induced by constraints)
  7. Verifiability
  8. Necessity

Quality Aspect Content, subcategorie completeness

Have all relevant requirements for the system to be developed (for the next system release) been documented? Does each requirement contain all necessary information?

Quality Aspect Content, subcategorie Consistency

Is it possible to implement all defined requirements for the system to be developed jointly? Are there no contradictions?
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Quality Aspect Content, subcategorie verifiability

Is it possible to define acceptance and test criteria based on the requirements? Have the criteria been defined?

Quality Aspect Content, subcategorie necessity

Does every requirement contribute to the fulfillment of the goals defined

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