Reuirements Management - Versioning of Requirements

3 important questions on Reuirements Management - Versioning of Requirements

The Version of a requirement has at least the following components

A version of a requirement is defined by its specific content of the change state and is marked by a unique version number consisting of at least 2 parts: version & increment. Version management can be applied to single requirements, sections of requirements documents, and requirements models

The formation of requirements configurations are defined in two dimensions:

Defined in two dimensions:
  1. Product/requirement dimension: the individual requirements of the requirements foundation.
  2. Version dimension: the various change states of a requirement.

Properties of requirements configurations are?

several typical properties:
  • Logical connection of the requirements in a configuration.
  • Consistency of the requirements within a configuration (no contradiction).
  • Unique identifier of the configuration.
  • Immutability of the requirements within the configuration.
  • Basis for rollbacks to earlier versions of the requirements base.

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