Reuirements Management - Traceablity of Requirements

4 important questions on Reuirements Management - Traceablity of Requirements

The benefits of requirements traceability?

  1. Simplification of verifiability
  2. Identification of unneeded properties in the system
  3. Identification of unneeded requirements
  4. Support of impact analysis
  5. Support ofreusability
  6. Support of determination of accountability
  7. Support for maintenanceand administration

Purpose-driven traceability information?

information to be recorded should be chosen with respect to the purpose that it will serve. In other words, only the information which
has a clear purpose for system development or system evolution should be recorded

Three classes of traceability relationships are distinguished:

  1. Pre-requirements-specification (pre-RS) traceability (links between requirements and those artifacts that are the basis or source for the requirements).
  2. Post-requirements-specification (post-RS) traceability (between requirements and artifacts of subsequent development activities).
  3. Traceability between requirements (mapping dependencies between requirements).
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Representation of Requirements Traceability?

  1. Text-based references and hyperlinks.
  2. Trace matrices (table with rows and columns).
  3. Trace graphs (a graph in which all nodes represent artifacts and all edges represent relationships between artifacts).

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