Documenting Requirements - Types of Documentation - The Three Perspectives of Requirements

4 important questions on Documenting Requirements - Types of Documentation - The Three Perspectives of Requirements

What are the three perspectives of requirements?

  1. Data perspective: static-structural;
  2. Functional perspective: processing of data (doel);
  3. Behavioural perspective: state-oriented (gedrag).

Describe the data perspective of requirements engineering?

In the perspective, the structures of input and output data as well as static-structural aspects of the usage and dependency relationships of the system in the system context are documented.

Describe the Functional perspective of requirements engineering?

This perspective documents which information of the system context is being manipulated by the system to be developed and which data is being transmitted to the system context by the system.
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Describe the behavioral perspective of requirements engineering?

The embedding of the system in the system context is documented on the basis of states in this perspective. This is done, for instance, by documenting the reaction of the system to events within the system context, documenting the conditions that trigger a state change, or documenting the effects that the system has on its environment.

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