Model-Based Requirements Documentation

8 important questions on Model-Based Requirements Documentation

During model-based documentation of requirements there are three types?

  1. Goals; describe intentions of stakeholders or groups of stakeholders.
  2. Use cases and Scenarios; document exemplary sequences of system usage. Senarios are grouped together in use cases.
  3. System Requirements; detailed functions and qualities that the system to be developed shall implement or possess.Also serve as input for subsequent development

Models have three important properties:

  • Mapping of reality
    • Descriptive model construction (AS IS)
    • Prescriptive model construction(TO BE)
  • Reduction of reality
    • Selection - een onderdeel wordt gemodeleerd
    • Compression - het systeem wordt als geheel weergegeven
  • Pragmatic property

The documentation of requirements in the form of conceptual models offersthe following advantages:

  • Information presented in pictures is quicker to understand and memorize
  • Requirements models allow the targeted modeling of one perspective on the requirements
  • By defining the modeling language for the particular purpose, an appropriate abstraction of reality can already be specified
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A Goals model is?

  • Goals are a stakeholder’s description of a characteristic property of the system to be developed or the development project
  • The positive impact of modeled goals on requirements engineering is very high
  • The effort required to explicitly consider goals during requirements engineering is minimal
  • Refining a goal is known as goal decomposition

The use case approach is based on two complementary documentation techniques?

  • Use case diagrams
  • Use case specifications

Typical modeling elements for use case diagrams are

  • Actors (people or other systems) in the system context: Actors are outside the system boundary and interact with the system.
  • The system boundary.
  • Other Use cases (that are defined for the system).
    • Extend relation: an interaction sequence that belongs to use case A extends some interaction sequence in use case B, triggered by a defined condition (extension point).
    • Include relation: interaction sequence of the first use case includes the interaction sequence of the other use case.
  • Relation between actors and use cases.

Within the scope of model-based documentation, requirements for the system to be developed are modeled in three overlapping modeling perspectives:

  1. Data perspective
  2. Functional perspective
  3. Behavioralperspective

Requirements Modeling in the Functional Perspective is?

This technique deals with the transformation of input data received from the environment into output data released into the environment of the system. The majority of these techniques is based on the structured system analysis approaches (such as the structured analysis or the essential system analysis).

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