Requirements Validation and Negotiation - Requirements Validation Techniques

6 important questions on Requirements Validation and Negotiation - Requirements Validation Techniques

Name techniques for requirments validation?

  • Reviews:
  1. Commenting(expert opinion)
  2. Inspections
  3. Walkthroughs
  • Perspective-based reading.
  • Validation through prototypes.
  • Using checklists for validation.

What is the validation Technique 'Commenting'

The author hands his or her requirements over to another person (e.g., a co-worker). The goal is to receive the co-worker's expert opinion with regard to the quality of a requirement.

What is the validation Technique 'Inspection'

Done to systematically check artifacts for errors. By applying a strict process concerning various phases:
  1. planning
  2. overview
  3. error detection
  4. error collection
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What is the validation Technique 'Walk-Through'

A walk-through is a lightweight inspection. A walk-through is less strict than an inspection and the involved roles are differentiated to a lesser degree.

What are the different perspectives in: Validation Technique 'Perspective-based reading'

  1. User/customer perspective.
  2. Software architect perspective.
  3. Tester perspective.

What is Validation Technique 'Checklists'

A checklist comprises a set of questions and/or statements about a certain circumstance. Checklists can be applied whenever many aspects must be considered.
  • create checklists.
  • improve checklists for future use.
  • can act as a guideline for the auditor.
  • can act as a means of structuring.
  • should not be longer than a single page.
  • should be as precise as possible.

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