Measurement properties, validity, reliability - Levels of measurement

5 important questions on Measurement properties, validity, reliability - Levels of measurement

What are categorical variables

  • Nominal
    • (yes/no)
    • Diseases
    • Ethnic groups
    • May have numbers but no order
  • Ordinal
    • Severity of pain: 1 (no pain) to 7 (worst pain)
    • recovered (1) or not recovered (0) (dichotomous)

What do they mean with the forced choice methods

A four point scale (strongly agree, agree, disagree, strongly disagree)

How to avoid extreme responses

Also known central tendency bias
  • Solution: equal number of positive and negative statements
  • Set back: difference between 'slightly agree' and 'slightly disagree'
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What is acquiescence bias (weet niet of dit belangrijk is staat wel in slide)

Agree with statements as presented

What I social desirability bias (weet niet of dit belangrijk is maar staat wel in slides)

Put oneself in positive perspective

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