Elements of qualitative analysis, analysing qualitative data, quality in qualitative analysis

15 important questions on Elements of qualitative analysis, analysing qualitative data, quality in qualitative analysis

What are some criticism on qualitative research?

  • Lacking methodological rigour
  • Prone to researchers subjectivity
  • Small cases and limited evidence

Some general elements when it comes to how to approach your data (data analysis)

  • Always description of the data
  • Analytical induction by coding
  • Secondary data analysis
  • Reflexivity of the researcher

Data analysis depends on the: researcher approach, method of collecting data

What is qualitative analysis principle?

Breaking down data into smaller units to reveal their characteristic elements and structure
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What are some different approaches to coding?

  • Deductive (content analysis: is guided by theory/ testing hypothesis)
    • systematically and objective identifying characteristics of the document's content
  • Inductive (grounded theory, searching for theory)
    • Construction of theory through the open analysis of data
  • Integrated approach (thematic content analysis is open to all concepts/codes)
    • an independent qualitative descriptive approach is mainly described as a method for identifying, analysing and reporting patterns (themes) w/in data
    • Combination of inductive and deductive

Three coding steps

  1. Open coding
    1. analytical process through which concepts are identified and their properties and dimensions are discovered in data
  2. Axial coding
    1. Process of relating cagetogires to their subcategories, linking categories at the level of their properties and dimensions
      1. Deductive: looking for relations as presented in theory
        1. Pitfall: too much looking for evidence for relation (closed mind)
      2. Inductive; often difficult to find evidence for relations
        1. (accepting too vague relations as the truth)
  3. Selective coding

Open coding for grounded theory

  • Collection and analysis are interrelated
  • Research commences w/ a defined purpose
  • Researcher and participant actively construct data
  • Formulating theory

Open coding for thematic analysis

  • Analysis provides an interpretation of participants meaning w/ the help of theory for sensitising concepts and the topic list

Horizontal and vertical analysis what is it?

  • Horizontal (content): focused on aggregation and comparison of content of data across different interviews -> Pay attention to diversity
  • Vertical (narrative): focussed on understanding the essence of individual interviews -> need the unique line of arguing of individuals and their priorities.

When is saturation reached?

  • Sampling to redundancy
  • No new themes emerge from the data
  • Check w/ deviant case

Which rigour in qualitative research is there?

  • Credibility (internal validity)
    • Truth value of evidence i.e. A strong link between data and theoretical ideas developed
  • Transferibility (external validity)
    • Applicability of evidence outside context. Are findings generalisable to other social settings
  • Dependability (reliability)
    • Consistency of evidence through the use of audit trails (in relation to the contexts in which they were generated)
  • Confirmability (objectivity)
    • Neutrality of evidence (no researcher bias)

How do you increase credibility

  • Through triangulation of data sources, researchers triangulation
  • Prolonged data collection --> saturation
  • Member checking of transcripts or summaries

How do you increase transferability

  • Make findings meaningful by describing them and their context in detail; thick description
  • Explain sample strategy
  • Discuss findings resonance w/ literature from different setting

How do you increase dependability?

  • Saturation: collection of data until no new themes emerge
  • Iterative data collection and analysis: continuously analyse data for further data collection
  • Emergent research design (flexible and open toward the process and topics)

How do you increase confirmability (objectivity)?

  • Search data and/or literature for evidence that disconforms
  • Discussion w/ peers/experts
  • Reflexivity: a diary to reflect on the process
  • Audit trail: document the steps and decisions taken

Mention a few online programs based on methodology of grounded theory approach

  • Atlas-ti
  • Nvivo
  • Kwalitan

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