Conceptual frameworks and operationalising your research

14 important questions on Conceptual frameworks and operationalising your research

What is conceptual framework?

The way ideas are organised to achieve a research project's purpose
  • Part of problem solving (answering a question) is the ability to reframe a complex and chaotic reality in a model/framework that clarifies the mechanisms, and thus points to the solutions

Frameworks are:
  • The description of concepts
  • The relation between concepts

  • form a simplified representation of complex reality
  • Express relationships between concepts from a certain perspective
  • are instruments that we use to make sense of reality

What are the concepts in everyday life when it comes to what to wear?

  • What is the weather forecast?
  • The image of the look?
  • Which clothes are available? (what is clean, what can I buy?)

What is a concept?

  • Something conceived in the mind
  • An abstract notion or idea that we use to apply general terms to things/ persons, events, etc.
  • The building blocks of thought, that we relate to context
  • We all see different things

Concepts are:
  • observable
  • distinguishable
  • variable
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Why should we use conceptual frameworks

  • They allow us to think
  • Structure our research
  • Avoid misunderstanding

Why we should not use conceptual frameworks

  • Might also stop thinking
    • Don't look at other aspects anymore (very deductive)
  • Create selective views / bias
  • Make research less open and flexible to data and world around you (deductive)

Why is a conceptual framework crucial?

  • Understand your main RQ/ objective
  • Formulate empirical/ subquestion
  • Help develop/ select tools for data collection
  • Analyse results
  • Make your research understandable

What are the steps to create conceptual framework?

  1. Ask theoretical questions -> mind map concepts in relation to your RQ -> starting point for literature explorations delineation, operationalisation -> then link up to theory
  2. theory/framework already exist in literature
  3. multiple theories from literature need to be combined
  4. Several relevant concepts can be derived from the literature, a model needs to be created
  5. there is no available framework or it has to emerge from the data

-> more structure -> makes it easier

What is a domain in regards to a RQ

A domain is part of the world you want to say something about

How do you unravel key concepts

Look at the image added to this flashcard

The difference between definite concepts and sensitising concepts

  • Definite concepts: Clear definitions in terms of attributes, providing a description of what to see
  • Sensitising concepts: interpretive devices, suggests directions along which to look
  • You use these when you don't want to impose a framework on the situation

What do sensitising concepts help you with?

  • Show you in what direction to look
  • Are effective in providing an analytical framework
  • Help you to a deep understanding of phenomena

Work that they work the same as inductive qualitative analysis

What should conceptual frameworks be:

  • Should be considered as a process, rather than a thing
  • Evaluated and revised continuously
  • Integrated throughout the study
  • Knowledge-based

How to link the research objective (RO) and the research question (RQ)

  • Use literature
  • go back and forth between brainstorming and literature research
  • You can not just copy definitions from the literature

What are common pitfalls when it comes to conceptual framework

  • Conceptual framework as a summary of theory, rather than integrated throughout
  • Unfitting framework
  • Conceptual framework = visualisation

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