Measurement properties, validity, reliability - Reliability and Responsiveness (vervolg)

5 important questions on Measurement properties, validity, reliability - Reliability and Responsiveness (vervolg)

What is the internal consistency (from domain reliability)

  • The interrelatedness among the items
  • Multi-item (or multi task) instrument/PROM
  • Latent (non observable characteristics)

The steps to assess internal consistency

  1. Assess if there are different factors with a measurement tool -> factor analyses
  2. Asess inter-relatedness of items per factor -> cronbach's alpha

What is the reliability test retest design

  • Inter rater
    • Different raters on the same occasion
    • Or even better: different raters on different occasions
  • Intra rater
    • By the same rater(s) (i.e., raters or responders) on different occasions
  • Construct should not have changed between the 2 measurements: stability!!
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What is measurement error

The systematic and random error of a patient's score that is not attributed to true changes in the construct to be measured. Is expressed as SEM.
SEM = standard error of measurement, standard deviation of repeated measurements in one person

SEM = (wortel) var (error)

What is a method of Bland and Altman

Met een bland and altman kan je: twee instrumenten vergelijken met elkaar (geven beide dezelfde waarde).

  • Interval and ratio scale
  • Measurement error is expressed in the same units as the measurements
  • Limits of agreement
    • d +/- 1.96 * SDd

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