Measurement properties, validity, reliability - Validity (vervolg)

5 important questions on Measurement properties, validity, reliability - Validity (vervolg)

What are the ten criteria for good content validity

Relevance (has 5 criteria points)
Comprehensiveness (1 criteria point)
Comprehensibility (4 criteria points)

Three steps from COSMIN to evaluate content validity of PROM's

  1. Evaluate the quality of the PROM development, using COSMIN box 1.
  2. Evaluate the quality of content validity studies on the PROM (if available), using COSMIN box 2.
  3. Evaluate the content validity of the PROM, based on the quality and results of the available studies and the PROM itself, using the scoring system presented in this manual

What is construct validity: structural validity

The degree to which the scores of an HR-PRO instrument are an adequate reflection of the dimensionality of the construct to be measured

  • Factor analyses is used to assess this (don't need to know how this is done)

Definition scribbr: Does the test measure the concept that it's intended to measure.

  • Structural validity
  • Hypotheses-testing
  • Cross-cultural validity
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What are the steps to follow for hypotheses testing? When it comes to assessing measurement properties (totally different than in statistics)

  1. Describe construct to be measured
  2. Formulate hypotheses about expected relationships
  3. Describe measurement instruments of comparator
  4. Gather empirical data
  5. Assess consistency of results and hypotheses
  6. Discus observed findings
    1. rival theories or alternative explanations

Valt onder construct validity

What is meant with floor and ceiling effects

  • Getting better can not be detected by the instrument
  • Deterioration can not be detected by the instrument

... Because baseline scores are in extremes

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