Elements of research design - The Purpose of the Study

3 important questions on Elements of research design - The Purpose of the Study

Which three critical research design decisions have to be made?

  1. Choosing between strategy
  2. Choosing between statistical techniques
  3. Choosing between sampling techniques

What's the purpose of an inductive / exploratory research strategy?

An exploratory study is undertaken when not much is known about the situation at hand, or no information is available on how similar problems or research issues have been solved in the past. Exploratory research often relies on secondary research and / or qualitative approaches to data gathering such as informal discussing (with customers, employees, managers) and more formal approaches such as interviews, focus groups or observations. The results are not generalizable.

What's the difference of doing research in a contrived or noncontrived study setting?

Business research can be done in the natural environment where event proceed normally (noncontrived setting) or in artificial, contrived settings. Correlational studies in noncontrived settings = field studies.

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