Theoretical framework and hypothesis development

8 important questions on Theoretical framework and hypothesis development

Process of building a theoretical framework

1. Introducing definitions of the concepts or variables in your model.
2. Developing a conceptual model that provides a descriptive representation of your theory.
3. Coming up with a theory that provides an explanation for relationships between the variables in your model.

To establish that a change in the independent variable causes a change in the dependent variable the following conditions should be met.

1. The independent and the dependent variable should covary.
2. The independent variable should precede the dependent variable.
3. No other factor should be a possible cause of the change in the dependent variable.  
4. A logical explanation (a theory) is needed and it must explain why the independent variable affects the dependent variable.

In order to establish a causal relationship, which 4 conditions should be met?

  1. independent and dependent variable could covary
  2. independent should precede the dependent
  3. control of effects of other variables
  4. a theory is needed
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Is this an example of a moderating or mediating variable?


Is this an example of a moderating or mediating variable?


What is a conceptual model?

It discribes how the variables are related to each other.

Which type of hypothesis can be used to test whether there are differences between two groups?

If-then statements

Steps in hypothesis testing

1. State the null and the alternate hypothesis.
2. Choose the appropriate statistical test depending on whether the data collected are parametric or nonparametric.
3. Determine the level of significance desired.
4. See if the output results from computer analysis indicate that the significance level is met.

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