Collecting primary data using research interviews and research diaries - Data quality issues associated with semi-structured and in-dept interviews

3 important questions on Collecting primary data using research interviews and research diaries - Data quality issues associated with semi-structured and in-dept interviews

Interviewee or response bias =

This type of bias can be caused by interviewees' perceptions about the interviewer, or perceived interviewer bias. However, the cause of this type of bias my not be linked to perceptions of the interviewer. Taking part in an interview is an intrusive process.

Gobo (2011) sees the research interview as the product of individualistic societies, which may not be so well suited to societies and participants with a different cultural orientation. He argues that the research interview makes certain assumptions:

1. That it is acceptable to discuss issues with outsiders;
2. That issues may be considered public and able to be discussed rather than being kept private and restricted;
3. That it is permissible for a person to hold independent views and to speak as an individual.

How can semi-structured and in-dept interviews achieve a high level of validity /credibility?

Carefully using clarifying questions, probing meanings and by exploring responses from a variety of angles or perspectives.

Credibility may also be achieved by accounting for negative cases (those that are counter to other cases) during analysis in the explanations you develop and being reflective and reflexive about your research.

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