Collecting primary data using questionnaires - An overview of questionnaires

3 important questions on Collecting primary data using questionnaires - An overview of questionnaires

Your choice of questionnaire mode will be influenced by a variety of factors related to your research question(s) and objectives, what are these factors?

- characteristics of the respondents from whom you wish to collect data;
-importance of reaching a particular person as respondent;
- importance of respondents'answers not being contaminated or distorted;
- size of sample you require for your analysis, taking into account the likely response rate;
- types of question you need to ask to collect your data
- number of questions you need to ask to collect your data

What is an uninformed response?

When the participant has insufficient experience or knowledge, they may deliberately guess at the answer

This is particularly likely when the questionnarie has been incentivised.

Your choice of questionnaire will also be affected by the resources you have available, in particular the:

1. Time available to complete the data collection
2. Financial implications of data collection and entry
3. Availability of research assistants and field workers to assist.
4. Cloud based survey design, data collection and analysis software

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