Analysing data quantitatively

8 important questions on Analysing data quantitatively

What is the definitnon, selection and umber of cases?

An individual unit for which data have been collected. However for some research questions your data set might comprise one or only a few cases.

What is categorical data?

Refer to data whose values cannot be measured numerically but can be either classified into sets according to the characteristics that identify or describe the variable or placed in rank order

What is nominal data or descriptive data?

Is impossible to define such a category numerically or rank it
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Some statisticians also spearate descriptive data where there are only two categories how are they known?

Dichotomous data

What is ordinal data?

A more precise form of categorical data. In such instances you known the relative position of each case within your data set, although the actual numerical measures on which the position is based are not recorded

What are numerical data?

Those whose values are measured or counted numerically as quantities.

What is continuous data?

Those whose values can theoretically take any value provided that you can measure them accurately enough

What is discrete data?

Can by contrast, be measured precisely.

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