Last lecture - Research ethics and why you should act ethically

6 important questions on Last lecture - Research ethics and why you should act ethically

Table 6.3 Integrity, fairness and open-mindedness of the researcher =

The quality of the research depends in part on the integrity, fairness and open mindedness of the researcher. This means acting openly, being truthful and promoting accuracy. Conversely it also means avoiding deception, dishonesty, misrepresentation (of data and findings etc), partially, reckless commitments or disingenuous promises. Where appropriate, any conflict of interest or commercial association should be declared.

Table 6.3 Avoidance of harm =

Any harm to participants must be avoided. Harm may occur through risks to emotional well-being, mental or physical health, or social, or group cohesion. It may take a number of forms including embarrassment, stress, discomfort, pain or conflict. It may be caused by using a research method in an intrusive or zealous way that involves mental or social pressure causing anxiety or stress. It may also be caused by violating assurances about confidiality or anonymity, or though harassment or discrimination.

Voluntary nature of participation and right to withdraw

The right not to participate in a research project is unchallengeable. This is accompanied by the right not to be harassed to participate. It is also unacceptable to attempt to extend the scope of participation beyond that freely given. Those taking part continue to exercise the right to determine how they will participate in the data collection process, including rights: not to answer any question, or set of questions; not to provide any data requested; to modify the nature of their consent; to withdraw from participation and possibly to withdraw data they have provided.
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Table 6.3. Ensuring confidentiality of data and maintenance of anonymity of those taking part

Research is designed to answer who, what, when, where, how and why questions, not to focus on those who provided the data to answer these. Individuals and organisations should therefore remain anonymous and the data they provide should be processed to make it non-attributable, unless there is an explicit agreement to attribute comments. Harm may result from unauthorised attribution or identification. Reliability of data is also likely to be enhanced where confidentiality and anonymity are assured. This principle leads to the right to expect assurances about anonymity and confidentiality to be observed strictly.

Table 6.3. Responsibility in the analysis of data and reporting of findings. =

Assurances about privacy, anonymity and confidentiality must be upheld when analysing and reporting data. Primary data should not be made up or altered and results should not be falsified. Findings should be reported fully and accurately, irrespective of whether they contradict expected outcomes. The same conditions apply to secondary data, the source or sources of which should also be clearly acknowledged. Analyses and the interpretations that follow from these should be checked carefully and corrections made to ensure the accuracy of the research report and any other outcome.

Table 6.3. Ensuring the safety of the researcher =

The safety of the researcher is a very important consideration when planning and conducting a research project. The Social Research Associations' Code of Practice for the Safety of Social Researchers identifies possible risks from social interactions including 'risk of physical threat or abuse; risk of psychological trauma'...; risk of being in a compromising situation...; increased exposure to risks in everyday life (Social Research Association 2001: 1). Research design therefore needs to consider risks to researchers as well as to participants.

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