Collecting primary data using research interviews and research diaries - Types of research interview and their link to the purpose of research and research strategy

5 important questions on Collecting primary data using research interviews and research diaries - Types of research interview and their link to the purpose of research and research strategy

One-to-one interview =

Between you and a single participant, such one-to-one interviews may be conducted in person, through a face-to-face interview, over the telephone, or as an Internet-mediated interview.

What types of interviews may be used in an exploratory study?

- in-dept interviews -> to find out what is happening and to understand the context
- Semi-structured interviews

Both may provide important background or contextual material for your study. You will find it helpful to conduct exploratory, qualitative interviews where your research design adopts an inductive approach, such as in the development of grounded theory.

What types of interviews may be used in a descriptive study?

-structured interviews → can be used to identify general patterns

it may be helpful to conduct structured interviews where your research design uses a deductive approach to test a theory, as the standardized nature of the data will make it easier to test statistical propositions or hypotheses.
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What types of interviews may be used in an explanatory study?

-semi-structured interviews → may be used to understand relationships between variables, such as those revealed from a descriptive study.
-structured interviews, in a statistical sense

Research interviews used for an explanatory purpose may be useful in both inductive and deductive approaches because of the intention to explain why relationships exist.

What types of interviews may be used in an evaluative study?

In an evaluative study, you may find it useful to use one type of interview, or a combination of types, depending on the nature of your study. In many cases, semi-structured interviews may be used to understand the relationships between your evaluation or effectiveness criteria. Research interviews used for an evaluative purpose may be useful in either inductive or deductive approach.

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