Formulating the research design - Establishing the quality of the research design

7 important questions on Formulating the research design - Establishing the quality of the research design

What is the 'how do I know test?' van Raimond (1993:55)

'Will the evidence and my conclusions stand up to the closest scrutiny?'

What is measurement validity?

Do the measures being used in the research to assess the phenomenon being studied actually measure what they are intended to - are they appropriate for their intended purpose?

What is internal reliability?

Internal reliability refers to ensuring consistency during a research project.

It refers to the extent your findings can be attributed to the intervention you are researching rather than to flaws in your research design.
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What is external reliability?

External reliability refers to whether your data collection techniques and analytic procedures would produce consistent findings if they were repeated by you on another occasion or if they were replicated by another researcher.

Table 5.5 threats to reliability. What is participant error?

Participant error is any factor which adversely alters the way in which a participant performs.

For example, asking a participant to complete a questionnaire just before a lunch break may affect the way they respond compared to choosing a less sensitive time.

Table 5.5 threats to reliability. What is participant bias?

Participant bias is any factor which induces a false response.

For example, conducting an interview in an open space may lead participants to provide falsely positive answers where they fear they are being overheard, rather than retaining their anonymity.

What is criterion validity?

Criterion validity is whether the questions are actually measuring what they are intended to measure, thereby allowing accurate statistical predictions to be made.

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