Formulating the research design - Mixed methods research designs

10 important questions on Formulating the research design - Mixed methods research designs

Mixed methods research =

Mixed methods research is the branch of multiple methods research that integrates the use of quantitative and qualitatieve data collection techniques and analytical procedures in the same research project.

Which two philosophical positions are often associated with mixed methods designs?

- pragmatism
- critical realism

What is a plurist view?

Researchers that believe that flexibility in the selection and use of methods (both qualitative and quantitative) is legitimate and that researchers should be tolerant of others' preferred methods even when they differ from their own.
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Concurrent triangulation design =

Where you collect qualitative and quantitative data in the same phase of research in order to compare how these data sets support one another.

Sequential mixed methods research =

This involves more than one phase of data collection and analysis. In this design, the researcher will follow the use of one method with another in order to expand or elaborate on the initial set of findings.

Double-phase research design =

This leads to two alternative mixed methods research strategies. Either sequential exploratory research design (qualitative followed by quantitative) or explanatory research design (quantitative followed by qualitative)

Fully integrated mixed methods research design =

Where you mix quantitative and qualitative methods at every stage of your research (design data collection and analysis, interpretation and presentation of your research)

Partially integrated mixed methods research approach =

Where you use quantitative and qualitative methods at only one stage or particular stages of your research.

Embedded mixed methods research =

This term is given to the situation where on methodology supports the other.

Concurrent embedded design =

One methodology may be embedded within the other during a single means to collect data (e.g. Some quantitative questions are included in an interview schedule, or some questions with a questionnaire require a qualitative response)

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