Business and management research, reflective diaries and purpose of this book

15 important questions on Business and management research, reflective diaries and purpose of this book

When do you use a deductive approach? (deduction)

When your research project will be theory-driven, you will be using a deductive approach. Know theory and then collect data test the hypothesis.
(to test theory)

When do you use an inductive approach? (induction)

When your research project will be data-driven, you will be using an inductive approach. Collect data and then create theory as a result of the data analysis.

What is the abductive research approach about? (abduction)

It moves back and forth, combining deduction and induction.
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What matches what many business and management researchers  actually do (deduction, induction, abduction)?

Abduction, which combines deduction and induction.

Name the two types of theoretical contribution, and give a brief explanation?

  • Middle-range theories: lack the capacity to change the way in which we think about the world but are nonetheless of significance.
  • Substantive theories: restricted to a particular time, research setting, group or population or problem, may lead to middle-range theories.

What is het verschil tussen een method en methodology

Method: de techniek of handeling om data te verkrijgen en te analyseren.
Methodology: de theorie over hoe onderzoek aangepakt dient te worden.

Walliman (2011) argues that many of the everyday uses of the term 'research are not research in the true meaning of the work. What is not research?

- just collecting facts or information with no clear purpose
- reassembling and reordering facts or information without interpretation.
- as an activity with no or little relevance to everyday life.
- as a term to get your product or idea noticed and respected.

Wat betoogd Walliman(2011)?

Walliman betoogd het woord onderzoek in het dagelijks leven vaak verkeerd gebruikt wordt.

Waarom wordt het woord ''onderzoek'' vaak verkeerd gebruikt volgens Walliman? Noem 4 redenen.

1. just collecting facts or information with no clear purpose. Feiten of informatie verzamelen zonder duidleijk doel.
2. reassembling and reordering fact or information without interpretation. Het opnieuw samenstellen en opnieuw orderen van feiten of informatie zonder interpretatie.
3 as an activity with no or little relevance to everyday life.
4 as a term to get your product or idea noticed and respected.

What are the characteristics of research?

- the purpose, to find out things, is stated clearly
- the data are collected systematically
- the data are interpreted systematically

What is the difference between theoretical rigour and methodological rigour?

* Theoretical rigour: de helderheid en grondigheid in waar het onderzoek en het verslag is gedaan hierbij gebruikmakend van bestaande (theoretische) verklaringen hoe zaken werken.
** Methodological rigour: de kwaliteit van de onderzoeksmethode gebruikt wat betreft planning, data verzameling, data-analyse en rapporteren. Hierdoor het vertrouwen hebben in dat de juiste conclusies worden getrokken.

Table 1.1. Popularist science =

Lower in theoretical and methodological rigour, higher in practical relevance.

Van welke vier taxonomieen maakt Hodgkinson 2001 gebruik?

1:Pedante wetenschap
2: Populariserende wetenschap:
3: Onvolwassen wetenschap:
4:Pragmatische wetenschap: zowel in theoretisch als methodologisch opzicht strak opgezet en relevant.

Wat is Popularist / populariserende wetenschap?

Populariserende wetenschap: gekenmerkt door gerichtheid op relevantie en nut, terwijl er minder aandacht is voor een strenge toepassing van theorie en methoden.

Basic, fundamental or pure research =

Its key impact is within the academic community, with relatively little attention being given to relevance to or impact on practice.

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