Collecting data through observation - Participant observation

3 important questions on Collecting data through observation - Participant observation

Direct participation and observation =

Immersion in the research setting is the central technique to collect data during use of participant observation.

Advantages of participant observation =

- it is good at explaining 'what is going on' in particular social interactions.
- it heightens the researcher's awareness of significant social processes
- it is particularly useful for researchers working within their own organization.
-   Some participant observation affords the opportunity for the researcher to experience 'for real' the emotions of those who are being researched
- Virtually all data collected are useful.

Disadvantages of participant observation =

- it can be very time-consuming
- it can pose difficult ethical dilemmas for the researcher
- there can be high levels of role conflict for the researcher (e.g. Colleague vs researcher)
- the closeness of the researcher to the situation being observed can lead to significant observer bias
- the participant observer role is a very demanding one, to which not all researchers will be suited
- access to organizations may be difficult
- data recording is often very difficult for the researcher.

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