Analysing data qualitatively - Key aspects to consider when choosing a qualitative analysis technique

5 important questions on Analysing data qualitatively - Key aspects to consider when choosing a qualitative analysis technique

What are key aspects to consider when choosing a qualitative analysis technique?

- The methodological and philosophical basis of the research
- The approach to theory development used in the research
- The analytical approach used in the technique

An alternative way to reduce the time needed to transcribe audio-recordings is: to pay a touch-typist to transcribe your audio-recordings. What potential problems gives this?

- Expense of paying someone else
- Important data such as pauses, coughs, sighs and the like may not be included.
- You will not be familiarizing yourself with the data as you are not transcribing them yourself.
- The transcription will still require careful checking as errors can creep in

An alternative way to reduce the time needed to transcribe audio-recordings is: to borrow a transcription machine with a foot-operated play-pause-rewind-fast forward mechanism and software to control the audio speed. What potential problems gives this?

-Although this will allow you to control the audio-recorder more easily, the speed of transcription will still be dependent upon your typing ability
- the transcription will still require careful checking
-You may not be able to gain access to a transcription machine.
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An alternative way to reduce the time needed to transcribe audio-recordings is: to dictate your audio-recordings to your computer using voice recognition software. What potential problems gives this?

- You will need to discover which voice-recognition software works best with your voice
- You will also need to discover which voice-recognition software is suited to the needs of your research project
- You will need to 'teach' the voice-recognition software to understand your voice
- The transcription will still require careful checking as the software is not entirely accurate.

An alternative way to reduce the time needed to transcribe audio-recordings is: to only transcribe those sections of each audio-recording that are pertinent to your research (data sampling). What potential problems give this?

- You will need to listen to the entire recording carefully first, at least twice.
- You may miss certain things, meaning you will have to go back to the audio-recording later
- Those section you transcribe will still require careful checking.

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