Surveys and observations; describing what people do

22 important questions on Surveys and observations; describing what people do

How do we call a method of posing questions to people on the phone, interviews, online or in questionnaires?

a survey, or poll.

Which type of questions can be found in a survey?

open-ended questions
forced choice questions
likert scale questions
semantic differential format

What is the difference between a forced choice question and a multiple choice question?

a forced choice question is always between only two choices while multiple choice is most of the time between three or four
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What is the difference between a likert scale question and a semantic differential format?

a likert scale is always based on degree of agreement while semantic differential is based on numeric scale in general.

Why do double-barreled questions have poor construct validity?

because people might answer the first question, the second question, or both. it is hard to see which construct is measured.

How do we call questions that can be confusing because because of negative or double negative phrasing?

negatively worded questions.

Abortion should never be restricted agree, or disagree? of what type of questioning is this an example?

negatively worded questions.

How do we call answering shortcuts that respondents take when taking surveys?

response set?

How do we call a response set where someone states yes on all the items of a survey?


How can a researcher make sure that acquiescence can't occur in their survey?

include reverse worded items, instead of 5 question that state i like my life, put in one that states i don't like my life to see if they still answer yes just like the other questions.

How do we call the response set of playing it safe and answering in the middle or idk?

fence sitting.

What are ways to get people of the fence? what are disadvantages of these ways?

instead of 5 degrees of agreement make a format which has 4 to take away the neutral option
make a forced choice question.
sometimes people actually don't have a choice and now their answers don't represent their actual opinion anymore.

How do we call the principle where respondents give answers that make them look better than they actually are?

socially desirable responding, or faking good.

How can a researcher spot respondents who give socially desirable answers?

by putting in questions which are easy to spot when lied on, like my table manners are at home just as good as in a restaurant.
ask people's friends to rate the questions for them.
use speeding methods where it is instructed to answer as quickly as possible to certain words or associations.

How do we call the principle of the behavior of participants being influenced by the presence of an observer, or the participants change their behavior to match the observers expectations?

observer effects.

How do we call clear rating instructions, and precise statements of how variables are operationalized for the observer to follow?

code books.

How do we call the correlation that quantifies the degree of agreement between different raters?

the abbreviation ICC.

How do we call a method of design which ensures that observer bias doesn't occur by using observers who are unaware of the purpose of the study?

a blind design, or masked design.

How do we call a change in behavior that occurs when study participants know they're being watched?


How do we call the method of avoiding observer effects by blending in a cowd or making yourself as an observer less noticeable?

making unobtrusive observations.

What is the method of waiting it out?

a method of avoiding observer bias by waiting until the subjects have habituated to the presence of the observer before collecting the data.

What is measuring the behaviors results?

a method to avoid reactivity by using obtrusive data, instead of measuring the behavior, measure the traces of behavior.

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