Replication, generalization, and the real world

8 important questions on Replication, generalization, and the real world

How do you call a form of replication where the researchers try to replicate the study as closely as they can?

direct replication.

What is the flaw of direct replication?

  • confirms what we already learned, but doesn't test theory in a new context.
  • any threats to internal validity would also be copied.

How do we call a form of replication where researchers explore the same research question but use different procedures for operationalizing the variables, which are the same as the original study?

a conceptual replication
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How would you call a form of replication in which the researchers add variables, or levels to the variables to test additional questions?

replication plus extension.

How do we call sharing data with the scientific community so others can collaborate and verify?

open science.

How do we call reporting research methods beforehand in advance of data collection?


How do we call a series of related studies on the same topic, but by different scientists?

a scientific literature.

How do we call mathematically averaging the results of all studies on a topic?

a meta-analysis.

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