Foundations of Research Methods - pages 4-29

8 important questions on Foundations of Research Methods - pages 4-29

One of the most important early steps in a research project is the conducting of the literature review. What is the literature review?

The literature review is a systematic compilation and written summary of all of the literature published in scientific journals that is related to a research topic of interest. A literature review is typically included in the introduction of a research write-up.

The language of research
- Inferences and probabilities

A word that describes much contemporary social research is probabilistic, or based on probabilities. The inferences made in social research have probabilities associated with them; they are seldom if ever intended as covering laws that pertain to all cases with certainty.

The language of research
- Causal relationship

A cause effect relationship. For example, when you evaluate whether your treatment or program causes an outcome to occur, you are examining a causal relationship.
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The attributes of a variable should be both exhaustive and mutually exclusive

Exhaustive meaning that they should include all possible answerable responses.
Mutually exclusive: the property of a variable that ensures that the respondent is not able to assign two attributes simultaneously. For example, gender is a variable with mutually exclusive options if it is impossible for the respondents to simultaneously claim to be both male and female.

A distinction is often made between two broad methods of reasoning known as the deductive and inductive approaches

  • Deductive reasoning works from the more general to the more spcific.
  • Inductive reasoning works the other way, moving from specific observations to broader generalizations and theories.

What is the ' hourglass' structure of research?

·Begin with a broad question
·Narrow down focus in operationalization
·Observe and analyze data
·Reach conclusions
·Generalize back to question

A component of a research study is the research question

The research question is the central issue being addressed in the study, typically phrased in the language of theory.

What is a hypothesis?

A hypothesis is a specific statement of prediction. It describes in concrete (rather than theoretical) terms what you expect to happen in your study.

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