Robinson (1996). Trust and Breach of the Psychological Contract. Administrative Science Quarterly, 41, 574-585 (!)

8 important questions on Robinson (1996). Trust and Breach of the Psychological Contract. Administrative Science Quarterly, 41, 574-585 (!)

Trust and Breach of the Psychological Contract - Robinson (1996)

•Psychological contracts refer to employees’ perceptions of what they owe to their employers and what their employers owe to them.
•A fundamental and important unanswered question is what role trust plays in the experience and effects of psychological contract breach.

Draw up a conceptual model of Robinsons’.

Zie foto

Three conditions to demonstrate mediation

-        IV -> DV and MED -> DV

-IV -> MED
-IV -> DV turns non-significant (or weaker) after adding the mediator
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Ensure that essential data are collected.

•        Draw a conceptual model

•Develop measures for concepts: scaling
•Administer questionnaire with response scales

1.Survey research
A tool or a type of a design


Likert Scaling: summative scaling

The final score for the respondent on the scale is the sum of his or her ratings for all of the items. On some scales, you will have items that are reversed in meaning from the overall direction of the scale.

Forced-choice response scale

A response scale that does not allow for a neutral or undecided value. By definition, a forced-choice response scale has an even number of response options. For example the following would be a forced-choice response scale
1=strongly disagree
4=strongly agree

Guttman Scaling: cumulative scaling

•        Develop focus: one-dimensional continuum

•Generate potential scale items
•Rate scale items (Yes: favorable toward the construct, No: unfavorable toward the construct)
•Develop scale: Scalogram analysis
•Administer the scale

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