Introduction to Design - pages 206-221

9 important questions on Introduction to Design - pages 206-221

What about internal validity?

IInternal validity : is the relationship causal?
Internal validity is the approximate truth about inferences regarding cause-effect or causal relationships.

Establishing internal validity is just a technical way of saying that you have ruled plausible alternative explanations an have thus shown that indeed a causal relationship likely exists between your program and the intended outcome.

Internal and external validity are concepts that reflect whether or not the results of a study are trustworthy and meaningful.

Internal validity refers specifically to whether an experimental treatment/condition makes a difference or not, and whether there is sufficient evidence to support the claim.

What is research enterprise?

The macro level effort to accumulate knowlege across multiple empirical systematic public research projects.
The book concentrates most on how you learn to conduct a research project, a specific investigation of a question interest. But it is important that you understand the broader effort that each research projects contributes to.

What does translational research mean?

The systematic effort to move research from initial discovery to practice and ultimately to impacts on our lives
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What does experimental design as the ' gold standard' means?

Experimental designs are touted by many as the most ' rigorous' of all research designs.

From a theoretical perspective, they probably are the strongest of designs, but we have to be careful to understand what is meant by that .If you can implement an experimental design well , the experiment is probably the strongest design with respect to internal validitiy.

Treatment group, control group

In a comparative research design, like an experimental or quasi experimental design, the program or treatment group receives the program of interest and is usually contrasted with a no-treatment comparison or control group or a group receiving another treatment.

What are the most important aspects of the research method of List?

He started a true experiment. They are being asked how much they are going to share:
4 groups
1.Baseline (control group)
2.Experiment group 2 : Take 1 (you can take and you can share )
3.Experiment group 3: Take 5
4.Experiment group 4: Take 5  + earnings (he need to do stupid work for 30 minutes and get money he knows that someone in the other room do the same)

What about external validity?

External validity: Cn we generalize to other persons, places, times?
While internal validity relates to how well a study is conducted (its structure), external validity relates to how applicable the findings are to the real world.

Can you generalize it to a different situation? The degree to which the conclusions in your study would hold for other places and at other times.

What about construct validity?

Construct validity: Can we generalize to the construts?

The degree to which inferences can be legitimately be made from the operationalization in your study to the theoretical constructs on which those operationalizations are based.

List his theoretical construct = social norms. You need to have a measurement in real life. His action sets according are about social norms.

Experiments conducted in a lab have certain strengths and weaknesses. Illustrate these with List's experiment (2007) and use the criteria internal validity, construct validity and external validity described on page 28 of the book.

-Internal validity
High on internal validity because it’s a true experiment conducted in the lab.
-External validity
List  is proving al former experiments are wrong. This his study is low on external validity. Are the results like this because of the students?

-Construct validity
List his construct is about social norms. Criticism on construct validity = Is there realy an room b?

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