Theory, Schools and Practice - Schools - Classifying Schools of Thought

9 important questions on Theory, Schools and Practice - Schools - Classifying Schools of Thought

Which school believes a CEO can design an explicit 'grand strategy' for the entire organization?

The "design" school

Which school states that a correct strategy can only come about by means of frequent and systematic forecasting, planning & control?

The "planning" school

Which approach is exceedingly deterministic and has little to no room for management to formulate strategies?

The "environmental" school
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The "environmental" school is influenced most by the work of who?


Which school stipulates that a strategy can only be successful if it is deeply rooted in the company culture?

The "cultural" school

What is at the root of strategy making in the "cultural" and the "political" schools?

"Non-logical" incrementalism

Which school stipulates that "strategic management is necessarily a fragmented process?"

The "learning" school

Among other factors, what main factors does the "positioning" school not take into consideration?

Culture & ideology

In what school is the environment NOT a stable factor?

The "entrepreneurial" school

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