
12 important questions on Phytooestrogens

What are the negative health effects of estrogens?

For many decades, exposure to estrogen-like compounds has been related to adverse health effects including increased cancer risks
Increased exposure to estrogens linked to:
  • women’s risk of developing breast and uterus cancer
  • increased occurrence of prostate and testicular cancer in men
  • These are diseases that develop and progress in an estrogen-dependent fashion
  • People with breastcancer get estrogen blockers.

What are the positive health effects of estrogens?

Estrogen deficiency, as occurring in menopausal women, is the main cause of
- osteoporosis and
- heart diseases

In contrast, the opposite effect, namely a reduction of
- cancer risks
- cardiovascular diseases and
- osteoporosis has also been reported especially upon high intake of soy based phyto-estrogens

What doe epidemiological studies say about estrogens and the health effects?

In azia people consume a lot of soy and the people have less cancer.
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What is the mechanism by which phytoestronges work?

They bind to the receptor. By this they stabilize the transcription factor and proteins are made.
These proteins have a effect on cell prolifiration (cell toenamen)
Or they have a effect on cell apoptosis (cell death)

What is the difference between the alfa and the beta receptor?

The alfa receptor (adverse receptor): stimulates cell proliferation and therefore increases the risk of cancer.

The beta receptor (bennifical rector): decreases cancer risk because it stimulates the apoptosis.

What determines if you have a good or bad health effect of phytoestrogens?

Ultimate effect of an estrogen depends on
- The ratio ERa/ERb in a tissue
- Which receptor it preferentially activates
- Isoflavonoids preferentially activate ERb can be tested using reporter gene assays

What are the 2 phytoestrogens mainly used for research?

  • estradiol (more affinity for alfa then beta)
  • genistein (more affinity for beta then alfa)

What can you say about isoflavones and female breast cancer?

  • Effect depends on stage of development and the degree of differentiation of the tissue
  • Isoflavones can inhibit growth of chemically induced tumors but can also enhance growth of estrogen receptor responsive tumors
  • Isoflavones, particularly at high doses can exert estrogenic stimulus on the mammary gland tissue in women
  • Unclear if it is a benefit or risk

How do they thinks that the asian population has a good health effect by eating soy (phytoestorgens)?

Because of epiginetics.
Because your mother had specific hapids you activate or inactivate a certain part of the genes.

So changes in phenotype due to a mechanism that regulates which components are expressed in a certain part of your life.

How does the epigentic mechanism work?

By methylation you can or can not express certain genes.
If a gene is methylated you don't have gene expression.

How was epigenicity tested for phytoestrogen?

They gave phytoestorgen to the agouti mice.
It was found that the children of the agouti mice became brown and therfore had more methylation.

Should  you eat supplements in the menopause?

No, no sufficient data and it will only work for your children.

EFSA says:
No prove for increased risk in breast cancer but deffentaly dont take it if it is in the family.

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