Microbiological Risk Assessment

17 important questions on Microbiological Risk Assessment

What are the different objective procedures to do hazard identification?

  • You look at the pathogens that are related to the food product
  • You look at the individual ingredients and see what pathogens are associated with them.
  • Also look at the unexpected, and don't include them.

What are the rules you have to apply in the hazard identification?

  • Survival rules: pasteurization remove vegetative organisms, spore former's survive
  • general rules: remove exotic pathogens (if you are talking about a non exotic product)
  • cardinal parameters: remove non growers
  • user expertise.

WARNING: be awair that some rules might not be applied if there is abuse of temperature or recontamination

What is a exposure assessment?

It takes into count (Re)contamination Kinetics
  • Growth
  • inactivation
  • contamination
  • process models 
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What is the main idee of the balance and characteristic numbers in a exposure assessment?

  • What leaves step 1 one enters step 2
  • What happens in step 1 or 2 is eater inactivation or growth of microorganisms
  • out=(in+external cont.)*inactivation/growth
  • N(out)=(N(in)+r(c))e^kt

What is the formula for reduction?


k: inactivation kinetics

How do you determine the amount of microorganism additional to your initional growth?

∆log(N)= ∑G + ∑R + ∑C

How do you determine the most important phenomena for your unsafe food product?

Determine if ∑G, ∑R or ∑C is of most influence in your process.

What is the difference between variability and uncertainty?

Variability: “natural” variation: reduce by better control
Uncertainty: lack of knowledge: reduce by more research

What is the Monte Carlo simulation approach?

This is a risk characterization approach.
It is a way of distributions to quantify the uncertainty of your assay.

What is the mean of this picture and where is the good and bad scenario?

The mean: There is a 12% probability is a 10^-12 probability of illness.
The left is the good case scenario small chance of people getting sick.
The right is the worst case scenario, large chance of people getting sick.

What is the ICMSF (International Commission on Microbiological Specifications for Foods) its concept ?

H(0) - ∑R + ∑G + ∑C < FSO

H(0) - ∑R + ∑G + ∑C < FSO
What is the responsibility of the industry and what of the government?

∑G: Done by exposure assessment and the responsibility of the industry

FSO:  Done by hazard characterization and the responsibility of the government

How should the consumer reduce the micro-organisms present in a food product?

The producer can be flexible.
Heat for a longer time at a low temperature of for a shorter time at a high temperature.

What does a risk manager do?

He weights policy alternatives in the light of the results of risk assessment, selecting and implementing appropriate control options.

What are the 3 different types of risks?

  1. real risk: not forget, since pertinent
  2. Emerging risks: attention, might be future real risks
  3. perceived risks: not real risks, you deal with them by comunication.

What is the ADI/TDI , ARfD, ALOP, MTD?

definitions for the population

ADI/TDI: acceptable daily intake, tolerable daily intake (chronic)
ARfD: acute reference dose  (acute)
ALOP: appropriate level of protection (# illnesses)
MTD: maximal toxic dose (no effect level)

What is MRL, ALARA, FSO and MC?

definitions for the product.

MRL: Maximal residue level (avoidable)
ALARA: As low as reasonably achievable (unavoidable)
FSO: Food safety objective
MC :microbiological criterion

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