Gram-positive food-borne pathogens

15 important questions on Gram-positive food-borne pathogens

Who are the target groups of listeria monocytogenes?

young, old, immuno-comprimised and pregant woman.

How does L. monocytogenes end up in the food and what ditermens how much is in there?

trough soil.

The abiotic and biotic parameters determen how much listeria will be present in the plants.

Abiotic: structure, pH, water availability.
Biotic: microorganisms, phages.

What is the L. monocytogenes transmission cycle from soil food to host?

It can go to the liver.
Different key proteins to travel from the GI track to other organis in the body.
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When do the symptoms occur from listeria?

The gastroenteritis type symptoms: fever, vomiting, diarrhea, joint pain, occurs within 24 hours after ingestion.

The miscarriages happen later which make it hard to bind it to a certain type of food.

How can the listeria monocytogenes enter your body?

A small set of the gens is related to the disease caused by listeria. This small set of genes can cause the bacteria to:

  • Pile up proteins on one side of the cell to build up and push the cell forward.
  • This is how the listeria can enter your cell and make you sick.
  • It can effect different organs
  • Different proteins will help for different organs.
  • specific enzymes for entering a host

What is the PrfA regulon?

Virulence factors are under the control of PrfA.
The PrfA targets RNA polymerase to virulence gene promoters. So it helps the RNA polymerase to find a spot to activate the virulent genes. So only if the PrfA factor is there you can have a lysteria that makes you sick.

How do you activate the PrfA factor?

By putting your product on the right temperature. (37 degrees).

What interments if your Lysteria can enter your cells?

This depends on the InlB and InlA factor. They are very specific for species. One change in AA can allready change if the lysteria can or can not enter you cells.

How can the listeria enter the cell?

By pore formation caused by listeriolysin O. And lipid degradation by phospholipids.

How can listeria move trough a cell?

Localisation of ActA forces accumulation of host proteins on one side and drives movement of cells

What makes it hard to deal with listeria?

The fact that in can be very resistant if certain stress responces are triggers. Also due to bio films and hide in your machinery.

How can a producer deal with listeria?

  • At present no valid method for complete bio film prevention. Main prevention strategy is regular cleaning and disinfection.
  • Seek and destroy may be required to target growth niches, i.e., locations still harboring the (persistent) pathogens after routine sanitation processes.

For what do they wand to use big date whole genome sequencing?

To get a idea of the bacteria that can be present in the production chain.

Can different types of listeria monocytogenes be linked to different things?

Yes you have types that occur more in food and other types that occur more in clinics.

The ones that occur more in clinics are more efficient at causing diseases.

What might be the difference between the types occurring more in food and more in clinics?

The ones in clinics produce a certain carbohydrate. The presence of this carbohydrate might promote the growth and the efficiency of the strain to cause lysteriosis.

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