Organic farming

20 important questions on Organic farming

Is there a difference in risk between normal and organic farming?

In organic farming they dont use:
  • no synthetic pesticides
  • no synthetic fertilisers
  • no genetically modified (GMO) ingredients
  • food additives and veterinary drugs used only to a limited extent 

So this is not a riks but the animals are more outside. So if the risk is related with being outside you have an increased risk.

So the risk are not necessarily lower but different.

What are the 2 main safety related topics that need to be considers with organic farming?

  • zoonoses
  • prions
  • chemical risks

What is the risk of Salmonella enteritidis in organic farming?
  • poultry
  • pork
  • raw milk

higher in poultry, eggs and raw milk because the animals are more outside and have more risk of being into contact with salmonella.
  • poultry & eggs higher or at best similar
  • pork: (cold drying procedure) similar
  • raw milk: risk increased
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What is the risk of Listeria monocytogenes in organic farming?
  • raw milk
  • soft cheeses
  • vegetables

  • raw milk: risk increased upon outlet
  • soft cheeses: insufficient heating: similar
  • vegetables: contaminated water: similar

What is the risk of E. coli in organic farming?

Higher risk since they use manure instead of kunstmest
Lower risk since more raw food is given to animals.

What is the risk of Clostridum in organic farming?

Similar because clostridum is everywhere because risk arisis form treatmetn and preservation

What is the risk of Manobacterium paratuberculosis in organic farming?

In meat and milkThis is a desease casuing:
  • Infects the last part of the small intestine (ileum)
  • Inflammation
  • this thickens the intestinal wall, causing diarrhoea and poor absorption of nutrients 

Higher risk in increased outlet.

What is the risk of Toxoplasma gondii in organic farming?

This disease might cause abortion. Is found in cats.

Due to high outlet animals are more at risk. They are in more contact with cats.

What is the risk of Teania saginate and Teania solium (tape worms) in organic farming?

At the  moment it is not really a risk in the Netherlands. But due to the higher outlet it is a risk. Especially since the worms are found in eastern Europe.

What is the risk of prions in organic farming?

Prions are small heat stable proteins. They can be transferred to humans by the brain and the spinal cord of cattle.

The proins cause crazy cow disease.

Bone and blood powder of animals is used as fertilizers in organic farming and therefore prions form a increased risk in organic farming.

What is the risk of patulin in apples and apple juice in organic farming?

The risk is higher but only if the organic farmers use rotten apples for the juice.

What are the main ideas about toxins produced by fungi and organic farming?

  1. The risk is higher because less fungasides are used. So you will have more fungi and there fore more tonxins.
  2. The risk is lower because the fungi will not be triggerd to produce the toxins because not fungasides are used.

What is the risk of fytotoxins in organic foods?

This is a toxin in plant products

They are present in a higher dose in organic product because the biologic plant needs them in order to protect themselves.

What is the discussion about toxins produced by plants as protection in organic foods?

Most of the time the dose of toxins in not higher in organic foods because they have other mechanisms to protect themselves

What is the risk of residues form crop protecting agents?

Lower in organic farming but not 0 due to fraud.
The risk of getting a 'hot' apple is very low.

However in normal farming the risk are also low.

What is the risk of residues form veterinary drugs in organic farming?

Very low.
The risk is of course resistance against antibiotics and organic farming is a good measure against it!

What is the risk of nitrate in organic farming?

Nitrate might cause stomach cancer.

It is present in synthetic fertilizer. This is not allowed in organic farming and therefore the risk is lower for organic products.

What is the risk of heavy metals in organic farming?

The same value in organic as in normal farming.

What are the strong (good) aspects of organic farming in relationship to food safety?

  1. lower chances on exceeding limits for crop protecting agents
  2. lower chances on exceeding residue limits for veterinary drugs
  3. lower chances on pathogen resistance to antibiotics
  4. lower levels of nitrate

What are the weak aspects of organic farming in relationship to food safety?

  1. Increased chance on contamination with Salmonella & Campylobacter
  2. for veal: a chance on toxoplasmosis and beef tape worm
  3. for pork: a chance on reintroduction pork tapeworm in The Netherlands
  4. increased chances on contamination with environmental pollutants like dioxins

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