Heating of food products

19 important questions on Heating of food products

What are the toxic compounds that can be formed during heating?

  1. pyrolysis of fat PAH: B(a)P
  2. pyrolysis of protein, amino acids Trp-P-1, Glu-P-1, AC
  3. Maillard reactions: sugars-amino acids heterocyclic amines (HACs): IQ, MeIQ, PhIP acrylamide
  4. oxidation of fat: peroxides,epoxides, aldehydes, radicals
  5. nitrosation of amino acids (cured meat): nitrite + proline: nitroso compounds; N-nitrosoproline (NPRO)
  6. thermal degradation of carbohydrates furans
  7. refining of vegetable oils 2- and 3-MCPD and glycidyl esters

When do you get pyrolysis of fat?

Especially during barbeque you get formation of PAHs (polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons) a.o. benzo(a)pyrene B(a)P

When fat comes in contact with open fire it falls apart in open carbon chains, which recondensate in the smoke to generate polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons

Why are PAHs carcinogenic?

Because of the bay region theory: especially PAHs with a so-called bay region are carcinogenic. Formation of diol-epoxide metabolite that react with DNA.
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What does the risk assessment say about B(a)P a certain PAHs?

No immediate risk. Low priority for risk management.

Is it oke to only take benzo(a)pyrene into account to do a risk assesment on PAHs?

No you should also look at the other PAHs. B(a)P is only about 2 to 10% of the PAHs you are exposed to.

What does the risk assessment say about PAH?

You take PAH4 or PAH 8.
All the MOE were oke so no priority for risk managers.

What are the products that can be formed during the maillard reaction?

The Maillard reaction is a chemical reaction between an amino acid and a reducing sugar, usually requiring heat Results in browning.

Products formed:
  • heterocyclic amines (HCAs): IQ, MeIQ, PhIP
  • acrylamide 

What are the relevant factors for the compounds formed in the maillard reaction?

  • type of amino acid
  • temperature and heating time
  • water content
  • fat content

So especially frying at 140 degrees in a pan.

What kind of carcinogenics are Hetrocyclic amines (HCAs) like IQ, MeIQ, PhIP and others?

IQ is in group 2A, possible carcinogenic to man proven by rodent studies
MeLQ, MelQX and PhIP are in group 2B, possible carcinogenic to man a bit of unclear data in the rodent studies.

Are the hetrocylic amines a health concern?

No they MOE is above 10 000 so no immediate health concerns.
However if you add them all up you get a MOE of 5859. So there is a bit of a health concern.

1% of the people with colon cancer get sick because of HCAs. So not a huge risk but it is there.

Is acrylamide a risk?

At first they did not do the BMDL10 approach but a virtualy safe dose.

This showed acrylamide was a risk.

What did the recent efsa data say about acrylamide?

It is a risk!

How do you get genotoxic compound upon oxidation of fats upon heating?

Formation of toxic aldehydes: >50% alfa,beta-unsaturated aldehydes
Of concern because of genotoxicity and possible carcinogenicity.
Increased formation during heating.
No data available for now!

Is thermal degradation of carbohydrates furanes a risk?

Not a lot of data jet.
But from the data that is there it is observed that it might be carcinogenic and the MOE is to low.

What are the possible mechanisms of formation of furans?

  • Thermal degradation of carbohydrates
  • Thermal oxidation of lipid
  • Thermal decomposition of ascorbic acid

How can refining of vegatable oils be cargenogenic?

There are certain components bound to fatty acids with an ester binding and by hydrolysation they can be carcinogenic.

What is the risk of Glycide esters?

They are of concern. However because of insufficient data the T10 was taken instead of the BMDL10.

What is the risk of 3-MCPD-esters?

There is a TDI because it is a non genotoxic carcinogen.

It depends on the TDI if it is a risk or not. Big discussion in the food world.

What are the recommendations you can make lower the risk of heating products?

The ingredients are unavoidable upon heating of food but various actions may reduce formation and risks:
  • Vary the cooking method
  • Bake beef ‘medium’ or ‘medium well’ instead of ‘well done’
  • Steam meat and fish more often
  • Prepare fish and chicken more often in a magnetron
  • Remove black parts of the food
  • Wrap fish and meat in aluminum foil during heating above an open fire
  • Fry at lower temperatures (below 180 oC)

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