Validating Questionnaires

5 important questions on Validating Questionnaires

What are the 5 equivalence that belong to Cross-cultural validation?

1) Conceptual equivalence
2) Item equivalence
3) Semantic equivalence
4) Logistic equivalence
5) Measurement equivalence (validity/ reliability)

What to avoid in an questionnaire (8x)

1) Avoid leading/ suggestive questions
2) Avoid harmful/ judgemental language
3) Avoid hypothetical questions
4) Be specific
5) Avoid jargon and colloquialisms (slang)
6) Avoid double-barreled questions
7) Avoid double negatives
8) Handling difficult or embarrassing questions

What is backwards translation

The backward translations should be performed by at least two independent translators, preferably translating into their mother language
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What is an bilingual expert panel

Identify adequate expressions, concepts, and discrepancies
Reach consensus
--> Pre-final version of the translation

If a response is blank on a form, what does it mean?

- Not asked
- Not found (didn't see the question)
- Not recorded (forgot to write it down by researcher)
- Don't know
- I don't want to tell you
- I think this question is irrelevant
- I am running out of time
- Unknown (don't know the answer)

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