Cell injury, Cell Death and Adaptations - Intracellular accumulations

4 important questions on Cell injury, Cell Death and Adaptations - Intracellular accumulations

What causes lipid accumulation and give an example

Abnormal metabolism
E.g. Fatty change in the liver (accumulation of triglyceride)

What causes protein accumulations

Mutations causing alterations in protein folding and transport, so that defective molecules accumulate intracellularly.

In diabetes mellitus, Glycogen accumulates in several cells (renal tubular epithelium, cardiac myocytes, and β cells of the islets of Langerhans). What causes this accumulation?

abnormal glucose metabolism
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What causes an accumulation of exogenous materials. Give examples

Ingestion of indigestible materials --> An inability to degrade phagocytosed particles E.g. carbon pigment accumulation, Melanin

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