Hematopoietic and lymphoid systems - Red cell disorders - Anemia of diminished erythropoiesis

7 important questions on Hematopoietic and lymphoid systems - Red cell disorders - Anemia of diminished erythropoiesis

What causes Iron Deficiency Anemia

chronic bleeding or inadequate iron intake
results in insufficient hemoglobin synthesis and hypochromic, microcytic red cell

What is the most common form of anemia in hospitalized patients

anemia associated with chronic inflammation

What causes Anemia of Chronic Inflammation

inflammatory cytokines, which increase hepcidin levels and thereby sequester iron in macrophages, and also suppress erythropoietin production
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What is aplastic anemia

  • an extrinsic, immune-mediated suppression of marrow progenitors, and an intrinsic abnormality of stem cells.
  • Disturbed proliferation and differentiation of stem cells
  • Caused by bone marrow failure (hypocellularity) resulting from e.g. exposures to toxins and radiation,

What are Megaloblastic Anemias?

  • Distrurbed proliferation and maturation of erythroblastst
  • defective dna synthesis

Name 2 examples of Megaloblastic Anemias

  1. Vitamin B12 (Cobalamin) Deficiency Anemia
  2. Folate (Folic Acid) Deficiency Anemia

What is Myelophthisic Anemia

caused by replacement of the bone marrow or extensive infiltration of the marrow by tumors or other lesions (metastasis, leukemia)

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