Hematopoietic and lymphoid systems - Red cell disorders - Hemolytic anemia

8 important questions on Hematopoietic and lymphoid systems - Red cell disorders - Hemolytic anemia

What are hallmarks of hemolytic anemias?

erythroid hyperplasia and reticulocytosis (increase of newly formed red cells)

What causes Extravascular hemolysis?

defects that increase the destruction of red cells by phagocytes, particularly in the spleen.

How is Intravascular hemolysis characterized?

by injuries so severe that red cells literally burst within the circulation
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Hereditary causes of Intrinsic Hemolysis include:

  • Membrane abnormalities (spherocytosis)
  • Enzyme deficiencies (glucose-6 phosphate dehydrogenase
  • Disorders of hemoglobin synthesis (Thalessemia, sickle cell anemia)

What causes Sickle Cell Anemia?

It is caused by inherited mutations that lead to structural abnormalities in hemoglobin (Hemoglobinopathy).

What are the two major complications of sickled cells?

  1. chronic moderately severe hemolytic anemia, produced by red cell membrane damage
  2. ascular obstructions, which result in ischemic tissue damage and pain crises

What causes anemia in Thalassemia

reduced red cell production and early destruction contribute to anemia. This is caused as result of mutations in globin genes that decrease the synthesis

What is the pathogenisis of G6PD?

G6PD deficiency is associated with transient episodes of intravascular hemolysis caused by exposure to an environmental factor (usually infectious agents or drugs) that produces oxidant stress.

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