Cell injury, Cell Death and Adaptations - Sequence of events in cell injury and cell death

9 important questions on Cell injury, Cell Death and Adaptations - Sequence of events in cell injury and cell death

Which pathway has a receptor-ligand interaction?

extrinsic pathway

How is the Intrinsic pathway activated?

BH3-only proteins sense cell damage (e.g. lack of survival signals or DNA or protein damage). These proteins activate effector molecules (Bak, Bax) that increase mitochondrial permeability

Effector molecules Bax, Bak increase mitochondrial permeability, but how does this result in apoptosis?

Bax, Bak form channels (BAX/BAK Channels) through which cytochrome c and other mitochondrial proteins escape into the cytosol. After cytochrome c enters the cytosol, it, together with
certain cofactors, activates caspase-9. The net result is the activation of a caspase cascade, ultimately leading to nuclear fragmentation and formation of apoptotic bodies.
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Hoe werkt de mitochondrial (intrinsieke) pathway bij apoptose?

  1. Er is cel schade dmv terugtrekken van GF's, DNA schade of verkeerd vouwen van eiwitten
  2. De BH3 sensor pikt dit op wat invloed heeft op de Bcl-2 family effectors
  3. Dit signaal wordt via de mitochondriën doorgegeven aan cytochroom c en andere pro-apoptotische eiwitten
  4. De Bcl-2 family effectors en cytochroom etc inhiberen de regulators als Bcl-2 en Bcl-x
  5. Hierdoor volgt caspase activatie wat zorgt voor apoptose

Hoe werkt de death receptor (extrinsieke) pathway bij apoptose?

  1. Er is receptor-ligand interactie van Fas en de TNF receptor
  2. Hierdoor komen adaptor proteïnen vrij
  3. Hierdoor volgt caspase activatie en celdood

Which proteins maintain mitochondrial permeability


In the caspase casacade, caspase-3 and caspase-6 are activated. What is their function?

Breakdown of the cytoskeleton, endonuclease activation, and formation of apoptotic body

In what ways does Necrose differs from Apoptose

  • Necrose is pro-inflammatory, Induces repair and defence, Cell contents are released extracellularly.
  • Is also occurs only in Pathologic situations and occurs now and then, whereas apoptose is part of normal physiology and occurs continuously

What is Autophagy and why does it occur?

It is lysosomal digestion of the cell’s own components. It Occurs because it is a survival mechanism in times of nutrient deprivation so that the starved cell can live by eating its own contents and recycling these contents to provide nutrients and energy.

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