Female genital system and breast - Cervix

6 important questions on Female genital system and breast - Cervix

Most tumors of the cervix are of epithelial origin. What causes this in most cases?

oncogenic strains of HPV

HPV targets which cells of the epithelium?

immature squamous cells of the transformation zone

Which two oncoproteins are involved in “high risk” HPV

E6 and E7 proteins inhibit p53 and RB, respectively
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Which staining is optimal for CIN grading?

No / CIN 1 = negative or patchy

What is the secondary screening?

Cytological screening (smear)
• PAP classification (PAP 1 to 5)
• KOPAC classification

What happens when the PAP test is abnormal?

Gynaecologist performs colposcopy (and biopsy)
This is done for Histological diagnostics:
• CIN 1, CIN 2, CIN 3, AIS
• invasive carcinoma

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