Disease of the immune system - Hypersensitivity: immunologically mediated tissue injury

15 important questions on Disease of the immune system - Hypersensitivity: immunologically mediated tissue injury

WHat are the causes of hypersensivity reaction?

  1. Autoimmunity: reactions against self antigens
  2. Reactions against microbes --> excessive reaction, or the microbial antigen is unusually persistent
  3. Reactions against environmental antigens

What type of hypersensivity reaction is an allergy?

immediate (type I) hypersensitivity that stimulate TH2 responses and IgE production

What is characteristic for type IV hypersensitivity

It is T cell mediated, mainly caused by TH1 and TH17 which produces cytokines that induce inflammation and activate neutrophils and macrophages, which are responsible for tissue injury.
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In type I hypersensitivity (allergy), the mast cell is activated and releases mediators which causes this hypersensitivity reaction. What is an important step for the activation of the mast cell?

reexposed to the allergen

What are the characterisations of the immediate reaction in  type I hypersensitivity?

vasodilation, congestion, and edema

What are the characterisations of the late-phase reaction in type I hypersensitivity?

an inflammatory infiltrate rich in eosinophils, neutrophils, and T cells and tissue destruction

Hoe werkt het type 2 hypersensitiviteit mechanisme?

Het heet ook wel 'antibody mediated'.

- Veel productie van IgG en IgM
- Binden aan een orgaan of weefsel = dus een lokale reactie = dus een gebonden antigen
- Leidt tot fagocytose door activatie van het complement systeem
- Leidt tot lysis door activatie van het complement systeem.
- Leidt tot aantrekking van leukocyten (Fc receptor)door het complement systeem.

Lysis en fagocytose van de cel

What is Antibody-Mediated Disease (Type II Hypersensitivity)?

Antibody-mediated (type II) hypersensitivity disorders are caused by antibodies directed against target antigens on the surface of cells or other tissue components. Antibodies cause disease by targeting cells for phagocytosis, activating the complement system, or interfering with normal cellular functions
e.g. Graves’ disease, Pemphigus vulgaris

Welke ziekten horen bij type 2 hypersensitiviteit?

- Ziekte van Graves waarbij sprake is van 'antibody-mediated cellular dysfunction'. Antibodies binden dan aan receptoren van normale thyroid cellen en zorgen ervoor dat ze meer actief worden. (stimuleren van een receptor)
- Die ziekte van Myasthenia Graves. De oogleden gaan hangen omdat de antibodies binden aan receptoren voor Ach bij de muscle cellen. (blokkeren van receptor) (deze mensen hebben vaak ook een vergroten thymus).
- Pemphigus vulgaris: er worden antibodies gemaakt tegen epidermal intercellular adhesiemoleculen desmoglein 3.

What causes Immune Complex–Mediated Diseases (Type III Hypersensitivity)

Antigen-antibody complexes that are formed in the circulation may deposit in blood vessels, leading to complement activation and acute inflammation.
e.g. SLE, Acute glomerulonephritis

Name the steps in Systemic Immune Complex Disease

  1. Formation of Immune Complexes. An immune response triggered that result in the formation of antibodies. These antibodies form an antibody-antigen complex with the circulating antigen
  2. circulating antigen-antibody complexes are deposited in various tissues
  3. Inflammation and Tissue Injury

Systemic lupus erythematosus (SLE) is a Immune Complex–Mediated Diseases. Which antigens are involved and what is the Clinicopathologic manifestation?

Antigen: dsDNA, RNPs
Nephritis, arthritis, vasculitis

Acute glomerulonephritis is a Immune Complex–Mediated Diseases. Which antigens are involved and what is the Clinicopathologic manifestation

Poststreptococcal nephritis: Steptococcal cell wallantigens  Antigens of bacteria (a.o. treponema), parasites (malaria, schistosoma) tumour antigens

Clinical: Glomerulonephritis

What causes delayed-type hypersensitivity (DTH)?

Cytokine production is mediated by CD4+ T cell.
  • Th1 produces IFN-gamma or TNF which result in macrophage activation and inflammation
  • Th17 produces IL-17, IL-22 and induces inflammation and tissue damage

Welke ziekten horen bij type 3 hypersensitiviteit? (4)

- Systemic Lupus erithomatosis = hebben vaak antibodies tegen DNA.
Deze worden vaak gezien in nieren, joints en vessels elswhere. En zal op een gegeven moment door heel je lichaam gaan. -> je krijgt dan nephritis, arthritis, vasculitis.

- Na een streptoccal infection -> gaan in je nieren zitten. -> je krijt dan dus glomerulonephritis.

- Reactive arthritis

- Arthus reaction -> cutaneous vasculitis

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